The Golden Tree. Prismacolor on art sheet 24 by 30. The tree is Golden as the Light of the Divine. The geometric designs within are all the various human concepts, beliefs, diversions, etc. "Stefan has within him what it takes to become one of our greatest artists of our lifetime," Vivianna Puello, editor and founder of ArtTour International Magazine. Stefan is on fire. He is painting everyday, seeking to create paintings of beauty and Light for the world. When he sets aside the brush, he is writing, currently working on a serious work of literature of life of a young man that will grow into an artist, during the "wonder years" of the 1960's at Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. Stefan has an English Degree and spent half his life writing at newspapers. He has always dreamed to be a published author whose book is literally a work of art. He has studied the greats as James Joyce, Hemingway, Henry James, William Faulkner, etc. His is known around the world...