World Renown Artist Dreams Of Creating A Literary Masterpiece

Stefan is on fire. He is painting everyday, seeking to create paintings of beauty and Light for the world. When he sets aside the brush, he is writing, currently working on a serious work of literature
of life of a young man that will grow into an artist,  during the "wonder years" of the  1960's at Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina.  Stefan has an English Degree and spent half his life writing at newspapers. He has always dreamed to be a published author whose book is literally a work of art. He has studied the greats as James Joyce, Hemingway, Henry James, William Faulkner, etc.

His is known around the world as one of the top contemporary artists of today and hopes his book, "Waccamaw, Where Angels Fall," will be considered as worthy in the world of literature.

"Every word is like a stroke of paint. I am pouring every ounce of my artistic soul into this story inspired from the people I loved and part of my life. The narrative is loosely biographical. The story is filled with love in a world of the 1960's in a small community around the shores of a lake in the south. I hope this book will be my greatest painting  and you come to love the characters as I have, living with them through their moments of glory to  their dramas in the preciousness and fragility of life in a world peppered with cruelty, prejudices, and alcohol. It was a time of innocence in the Fall of Eden of those that survived by the innocence of their hearts and those that died or won with poisoned hearts. And through the quagmire rises a beacon Light that would one day shine before the whole world to see.

The work is currently being written and published around winter of 2018.


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