Tonight will begin on a new painting. I may go LIVE on FaceBook for a couple of minutes. I will Sunday at 8 p.m. as a regular event. Purple background, Light, and silhouette of a tree perhaps. We'll see. I just go with the flow. Was talking with Karen earlier that after 75 years of my death, my work becomes public domain. We copyright our paintings and watermark them through FineArtAmerica. I'll try to start keeping a little post everyday. Usually been leaving them on Facebook, but I think you get picked up more in the search engines if you blog regularly. Sent to inquiries to the Van Gogh Movie that is in production now, animated, and hope to hear back.
Sigh, just lost a whole page. One more time: Yesterday was the worse moment... standing in parkinglot by car answering phone...corner of door bangs against ankle. Just come from driving to several places looking for my wallet. Get a call from Drui that publsihers need me to reshoot about 25 paintings for the pictures in Grandfather's Dream. I don't have half of the paintings and the other half, some are at different locations...sigh....and yesterday, while finishing up a convention in Corncord, N.C., I get a message that Dee Aughtman, who I have relations, collapsed at work, unable to move or speak and is taken to ICU, thoughts are that she has had a massive stroke. Earlier, my agent in California, Danielle Arnaud, calls all excited that someone has paid 1.5k directly into her Paypal account for a painting posted on her website. I love listening to Danielle because she has a France accent. Everytime she calls, I have to put her on speakerphone for everyone around ...