Please forgive. Almost all of my symptoms can be attributed to my head trauma. Seizure, confusion, short term memory, attention deficient, post traumatic syndrome, afibs, depression, severe nerve pain of legs, sleep apnea averaging 1 to 2 hours sleep a night, according to a recent study with head injuries like mine. Front impact, back of brain crashes again back of skull, like jello shaken in a bowl, fitting back in place but just a little off. For the last couple of years w ... hen the symptoms intensified I hid from the world and couldn't even talk of it. When I had a seizure episode, I wasn't doing shaking, but went into a state of confusion and when I tried to speak my words were jumbled and heart triple racing and pounding, and when I come out of it, people would be looking at me and OMG...that is the most embarrassing humiliating thing to happen. I had been hidden away for months and thought I would try and do an event recently hosted by a treasured couple and an episo...