
Showing posts from August, 2017

Painting by Stefan Duncan. Squiggleism. Impressionism.

"You Are My Sunshine" Acrylic. 40 by 60. By Stefan Duncan. Female tree beholding the Light of the Divine. Squiggleism.

Impressionism, Stefan Duncan


Artist, Stefan Duncan, one of the world's top contemporary artists

"One of America's top rising artists," Art Business Magazine. "Stefan has within him what it takes to be one of the greatest artists of our time," Viviana Puello, editor of ArtTour International Magazine. 2016 Voted Best Freelance Visual Artist by Artist Guild Magazine. 2017 Noted as among the top 60 artists of the world, ATIM. 2016 Heritage Award 2016 Create 4 Peace Award Creator of the art style Squiggleism. Dubbed the American Van Gogh by Website is "GLORIOUS" One Night Exhibit at 7 p.m., Dec. 2nd, 2017  1422 Holmes Drive, Charlotte, N.C. Stefan will be unveiling 30 new paintings.  Event to be broadcast live by our sponsor ArtTour International Magazine.

American Artist, My Oath As An Artist, Spirit Of Van Gogh

I am Stefan Duncan. I dedicated my life to the Great Spirit's calling to create works of art that will lift mankind's souls, unveiling the presence of the Great Spirit that lives in nature and interacts with all lives. I paint with a heart of innocence for the pursuit of beauty in love and peace to tweak mankind's awareness of the spiritual beauty in all things. I stand my ground and never shall I waiver or be swayed from my artistic oath. You may take away my canvas. You may break my brushes. And with nothing left, I shall paint in the earth with my blood. May my words stand the testament of time and my works of art shine like constellations in the sky for future generations to see. Stefan Duncan, Aug. 21st. Day of the Eclipse. 2017

ATIM's Top 60 Masters Of Art 2017


Impressionism to Squiggleism Upcoming paintings of Stefan Duncan

My mission with my next painting is to have it blaze in a thousand colors, a kaleidoscope landscape of beauty  with my next painting is to have it blaze in a t housand colors, a kaleidoscope landscape of beauty.
From Impressionism to Squiggleism, today's contemporary art. The new series of paintings I will be creating will have triple the amount of colors.  I seek the paintings to blaze of a kaleidoscope of colors to dazzle the eye. With such colors enriching the landscape, I seek to awaken the viewer's sense of awareness in the beauty of nature around us.
Mysteries At Midnight. 24 by 30 canvas. Acrylic. By Stefan Duncan
"Glorious Tree" 24 by 30 Arches Printing Press Sheet, Prismacolor. by Stefan Duncan.
"Genesis" Prismacolor 24 by 30 on Arches Printing Press Sheet. 
Squiggleism is a branch of Neo Impressionism.  N eo  Impressionism uses dots of non-blended color, Squiggleism is the same but instead of a dash, has a curve, or undulating type motion from short to very long wavering lines. The ;paint is not mixed by brush but by the eye as one gazes upon the painting. Stefan Duncan created Squiggleism July of 1999 with the painting, "The Glory Tree," at Cape Fear Studios in Fayetteville, North Carolina.