
Showing posts from November, 2011
Today worked on the new beginning for the "Raven's Light" project. Saturday will be at studio hoping for some christmas sales. Will be beginning on the next themed exhibit called "Ravens" of which some of these will be inspired from the "Raven's Light" project. Have a new manager, Aaron Longstreht and Brett. With all these Ravens projects seems like all I've been thinking about lately. I do feel this connection. The solo bird in black cawing, attracted to shining things - bringer of light to the world as in the native american mythology...accept I do this through my paintings.


Today created the term "Ravenism" as an art style bascially the same as illuminism. Illuminism sounds more artsy, but has association with the illuminati, which is a direct controdiction to their name and what they do; Raven in mythology brings Light to the world. It is associated some with death...but I wear black alot like a Johnny Cash thing, to feel and relate to the blight of others and the darkness of the world... to take it in, to sympathize then churn out that darkness back into the form of Light...God's Light using the media of paintings and words and good deeds to inspire and bring hope to others.

Yandell Family Portrait

Poses taken from photoshoot and put together for the painting of the Yandel Family Portrait. Wall Photos .. Like · · Share · 19 minutes ago near Charlotte. .. . Stefan Duncan Yandel Family Portrait. Commissioned. Will be exhibited tonight only at 15 North. "Yandel Family Tree" by stefan duncan | Like · · Share · 24 minutes ago. Stefan Duncan wow...finished at 5 a.m. this morning...I've been up all night. 12 minutes ago · Like. Stefan Duncan I'm exhausted. For weeks I have worked straight through. I feel like Mozart in the movie Amadeus after finishing an finished a symphonic movement and literally lifeless afterwards. It's like inspiration hits me like Lightning...and when the work is done, you're left like a piece of charred wood. 5 minutes ago · Like. Stefan Duncan I can truly say, I've given my all to the best of my ability physically and spiritually. The better painting is whe...