
Stefan Duncan
Today, I announce the beginning of a worldwide movement using art as the catalyst. Today is the creation of "Illuminison." It is an art movement focusing on the Divine's illumination through nature as a counter movement to the current state of gloom and hopeflessness from the current worldwide state of affairs in politics, religious wars, economic losses, and natural disasters. The world is in a state of darkness and it is time to reawakened the Light of the human spirit. May "Illuminism" remove the veil of darkness so people may see to inspire hope and a sense of peace there is a living Light of the Divine for all mankind and living creatures.

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Like · · Share · 23 hours ago near Charlotte.

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Stefan Duncan Two years ago, I had like a voice that sounded in my head that it was no longer good enough to simply say my mission was to put a painting in a person's home right in the heart of where they live to be inspired and given hope through my painting. It was time to rise to a worldwide platform. Where darkness struck whether wearing the face of natural disasters or a terrorist attack, where darkness fell, I am to do a painting of that place and fill it back with Light. That we, as a people of the world, have had enough of reigining terror and darkness. No longer will be be forced to live in darkness...but to live with the Light within us and in all things that exist created by the Divine of Light. The pendulum has swung to its darkness point and now it's time to get it swinging the other way. With Illumimisn as my sword, I strike at the heart of Darkness.
23 hours ago · Like.

Stefan Duncan Last night Meredith Logan and Abby, of our little "Intentions Group" take turns to define our missions, our goals, our steps. And last night, it was decided it was time for me to move forward with "Illuminism." So, today is the official day. I will now paint as "Illuminism" as my style and hope that other artists, musicians, writers, poets, teachers, preachers, homeless, whoever to join this movement.
23 hours ago · Like.

Meredith Logan Here
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Meredith Logan Here's to ILLUMINISM !!!!!!!!
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Mrfirst Impression Wow. ..that's amazing
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Bobbi Roberson Like the pay it forward movement. We could all definately use illumination in our lives but I honesty believe it comes from within and no matter how bright the light if we are not willing to accept it and build upon it we are still in darkness!!! I pray many will get on that lighted wagon, let your light shine Stefan, if to have reached at least one your vision was not in vain!!!!!
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Sharon Craig Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished. ~Michael Strassfeld
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Bobbi Roberson Nice!!
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Christine Ballard Thomas ♥
23 hours ago · Like.

Stefan Duncan I have always thought the "Illuminati" was in direct contradiction of the meaning...this mythological group of men that preside over the world controling events that effect us all. It's time we reclaim that name as part of our "Illuminism" and use if for it's true meanting... the enlightening of others. The Light is within us all and in everything that exists...this Light....God. So as of this moment in history, with "Illuminism" we will become the true "Illuminati". THrough our actions, our songs, or poetry, our arts, or words....... we will illuminate the people of the world that the Light is within them and in all things.
22 hours ago · Like.

Bobbi Roberson Stefan if u ever get the opportunity go to the holy land..endless inspirations where all people have to hold onto is that "light". Makes the faith for what you do much stronger and certainly more determined!!!
22 hours ago · Like.

Christine A Smith oh my gosh - breathtaking
21 hours ago · Like.


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