Raven's Light

For several months I have been working on a fantasy ep
ic called "Raven's Light". It is about never losing faith, of hanging on no matter how small the glimmer of hope my be. I finished the first part in screenplay form yesterday. It was around 138 pages. Working on the second episode. Either it will be a movie or animation...a trilogy or a series. The greatest pleasure of Raven's Light is participating in the journey of it with your characters. They become real. My editors and family talk about them as if they live down the street or family members. Music is the key. I am listening to the soundtrack of Skyrim for more the action parts and traveling. I discovered this group from Spain called Narsilion. OMG, they are etheral/ambient dreamlike fairytale of beauty and sadness. Their song "A Night In Fairyland" fits so perfect with the most dramatic scenes in Raven's Light/episode I. I cried three days listening to that and writing the scene. I had spent my whole life to be a novelist. In 1990 that dream was taken from me when I had a car accident and was in a coma for three weeks. I had periods of writing briefly, twice, and now it is upon me again. I am terrified it will go away. I hope it stays with me now...that after all these years a part of my brain has healed enough that I can continue to create new stories. I lost like 8 books and have draft remains of two. Sigh. So, I hope with Raven's Light, this will be my work that survives and becomes published. All that I ever said in the other books, I get to say now. I may have lost a big perfect of my vocabulary and knowledge of all the other works I have read...but now I write a more simple prose that goes to the point and is honest and true.


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